It's very easy, You just have to sharpen the view ... and to have a lot of patience! ^ _O

Object Hunt-> a little fashion Magazine
Prize cost-> 5L
Start -> Landing Point
The aim of the game is to find the correct landmark to the secret room, it is hidden in a suitcase open (type 2 in the image).
Throughout the sim there are a total of 31 magazines (very very very smalls)
they are "object giver")
so when you will touch , will give you one suitcase
30 are of the type 1 (all of different colors and collectible ^ __ ^)
and only 1 is of the type 2 and will be the one that will give you access to the secret room!
Wear it and touch it, because it is a Lm giver!
Remember to take The FSF * Hud (in the info kiosk)
It contains general information such as a map and links to this blog ...
but also a valuable notecard, where are written the hints!
If you can not find all the "magazines" do not worry!
Keep an eye on the blog, because next weekend i will release more hints!
I hope you like this hunt.....and my event..
we wait!!
Good funny...and good luck!
ps->There is a group for you , where you can communicate with other hunters, for advice and help about the hunt ... and if you go for a few comments about the fair) eih nothing insults and vulgar things of course! :)
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